Home > Digital Aerial Photography > New York > NY Statewide Imagery > 2015 New York Mosaic Dataset for ArcGIS 10

2015 New York Mosaic Dataset for ArcGIS 10

CODE: NY-Mosaic

Price: $479.00

New York aerial photography
Steuben County, NY aerial photo sample

NY aerial photography detail
Steuben County, NY aerial imagery zoomed in! This shows the level of detail you will get for New York

See samples from other locations: Airport    Stadium   School  City   Farm   Farm zoomed in

2015 New York Mosaic Dataset for ArcGIS 10 Product Information

The Mosaic Dataset eliminates 3 imagery problems:
1. NoData – The Mosaic Dataset eliminates black areas between counties.
2. Color Balance - The data is color balanced between the counties & statewide.
3. Span UTM zones - The mosaic dataset re-projects the imagery so that it can be displayed across different UTM zones.

Info for the GIS professional:

  • Date = 2015 spring/summer
  • Coverage = Full State
  • Projection = USA Albers Equal Area
  • Resolution = 1 Meter Color ortho-rectified
  • Format = MrSID 15:1
  • Compatible = ArcGIS 10 only, (ArcView, ArcEditor, or ArcInfo)
  • Delivery = USB hard drive. DVDs for small states.
  • No restrictions of use. Commercial use is allowed. Use in publications, websites, & maps/posters. You get full utility of the data - not just a jpg snapshot! Our competitors license their imagery and state "You may not use the imagery in any commercial or business environment or for any commercial or business purposes for yourself or any third parties."

    ArcGIS, ArcView, ArcEditor, & ArcInfo are a registered trademark of Esri

  • 2015 New York Mosaic Dataset for ArcGIS 10
    Statewide Mosaic Dataset for New York 2015 1 Meter Color
    Image Trader
    Product ID: NY-Mosaic
    $479.00 New In Stock